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Elyse is three years old today!
When Julie's parents came to visit for Elyse's third birthday, we all went to the Denver Acquarium.
Afterward, we went to the park where Elyse enjoyed finding "blueberries".
Can you find the bird in this tree?
The Stargazers at the CCLC had a birthday party for Elyse.
We decided to walk to the Brewing Market for breakfast.
Elyse hurt her hand on the way home22.
Elyse painted an ornament.
Aunt Jill, Uncle Brian, Amelia, and Ian came to visit us. We went to an afternoon Kid's Kabaret performance of Jack and the Beanstalk at the Boulder Dinner Theatre. Afterward, Elyse got her picture taken with Joanie Brosseau-Beyette who was the narrator.
Elyse enjoyed riding on Paul's shoulders on the way to the park.
Amelia, Ian, and Elyse played follow the leader.
We celebrated Elyse's birthday early with some home22made chocolate cupcakes. The kids took turns measuring out the ingredients and mixing them.
Oskar Blues has a great area outside with sand, a fountain, and rocks.
Elyse and Carrot, Dill, and White Bean Salad
Elyse got a haircut!
We bought Elyse an adult bed for her birthday.
Elyse helped us sweep the driveway.
Footprint painting by Elyse
Elyse helped us in the kitchen by scrubbing some fingerling potatoes.
Snowman - Day 16
Snowman - Day 11
Snowman - Day 7
Snowman - Day 4
Snowman - Day 3
We wore Elyse out at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
The Denver Museum of Nature and Science always has a great selection of healthy foods for lunch.
Elyse made these Valentine's cards for her friends.
Elyse made these Valentine's cards for her grandparents.
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