Documentation for MazeWGMap

class WGLib.MazeWGMap

Extends the SquareGridWGMap. Creates a ‘maze map’ in which players gain bonuses for completing a row or column

addRandomWalk(r=-1, c=-1)

adds a maze starting at r,c if r & c are -2, a territory with no borders is found (if it exists), and the random walk is started there. otherwise if r or c is negative, they are set to the middle of the map.

todo: This seems to hang on a rare occasion (recursion to infinity). What is happening? Does it get stuck in a corner somehow?

createMazeGame(filePath, rowHeight=40, colWidth=40)
Be sure to set the board name by hand
createPNG(filePath, rowHeight, colWidth)
Creates a PNG of a maze with walls

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