Documentation for SquareGridWGMap

class WGLib.SquareGridWGMap

Extends :class:WGMap class for maps on a rectangular grid

addBorderToCoordinate(fromID, toRow, toCol)
Add a border between fromID and the continent at toRow,toCol

Adds borders for a grid created by createTerritories. All arguments are ints. (incomplete)


This function does not work yet.

Find territory groups that are not connected, and join them up. Assumes territories adjacent on the map can share a border.

Creates continents of every 2x2 block.

self.rows,self.cols (int): The number of rows/columns of territories.
createTerritories(xOrigin=10, yOrigin=10, xOffset=20, yOffset=20)
rows,cols (int): The number of rows/columns of territories. xOrigin,yOrigin (int): The position of the upper left grid box. xOffset,yOffset (int): The width of the grid boxes.
getTerritoryName(row, col)
Calculate the territory name from arguments

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