Website Documentation

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PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Much of is generated using PHP, including the menus, some pages, and the consistent look and feel. We have made the code behind available on our website. The documentation was generated using Doxygen. Doxygen allows us to create our own specific header and footer so that the documentation has a similiar look to the rest of our website.

Steps for generating Doxygen documentation for

This is mostly for my own use, but I thought others might find it helpful.

  1. Make sure files to be documented are in the directory defined in config file. (make sure to 'rm *~')
    • $ ls ~/www
      displayImage.php functions.php index.php menu.dat setstyle1.php
  2. Run Doxygen.
    • $ doxygen
  3. Convert html to php in the files & filenames. (bash command)
    • $ for file in *.html; do sed 's/html/php/g' $file > `echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)html/\1php/'`; done
  4. Remove the html files
    • $ rm *.html
  5. Upload the new .php files.

Last modified: August 30 2018 23:31