What's New?

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Added pictures from 2011-06-04 and 2011-07-02 through 2012-03-31 to the Photo Blog page. Added pictures from 2011-06-04 and 2011-07-02 through 2012-03-31 to the Elyse page. Password protected the Elyse page.


Added pictures from 2011-04-10 through 2011-07-02 to the Photo Blog page.


Added pictures from 2011-04-10 through 2011-07-02 to the Elyse page.


Added pictures from our secondary/travel camera from 2010-04-17 through 2011-07-02 to the Photo Blog page.


Added pictures from our secondary/travel camera from 2010-05-01 through 2011-07-02 to the Elyse page.


Added all videos from 20100906 through 20101126 to the Elyse page.


Added to the photo blog and the Elyse page.


Added to the photo blog and the Elyse page.


Added a photo gallery from Elyse's first trip to the Denver Zoo for her birthday.


Added two pages from Halloween in Boulder: Pearl Street, Naked Pumpkin Run.


Modified the photo blog code to automatically split photos across multiple pages.


Added a photo gallery from Richard's and Tonia's wedding.


Added more pages from our recent trip to Italy: Umbria, Tuscany, Florence, Venice.

Added a bloggy style page of photos. We hope to update this page with new photos every few weeks.


Added the first two pages from our recent trip to Italy: Rome, Campania.

Added two pages of recent hikes: Mt. Bierstadt, Twin Sisters.


Added a page from our trip to Little Falls, NY for Paul's grandmother's (Sue's) 90th birthday with the following galleries: Sue's 90th Birthday Party, Prestopnik Family, Little Falls.


Added a page from our trip to Florida for Christmas with the following galleries: Port St. Lucie, Bryan and Katie Copeland's Wedding, Orlando area.


Added a page where we will post items we are trying to sell. We are moving soon, so help us out by buying something.


Added a page from our trip to the RiverSong Inn in Estes Park, Colorado with the following galleries: RiverSong Inn, Indian Paintbrush, Trail, Food.


Added the final days of our honeymoon: 2004/05/29, 2004/05/30, 2004/05/31, 2004/06/01, 2004/06/02.


Moved the Emo Haiku Generator to a new location, and added formmail so that people can submit their own haikus.


Added the following galleries to our Honeymoon Photo Gallery in the France section: Sacr� Coeur, Artus Hotel, Montmartre, Arc de Triomphe, Champs-�lys�es, and Miscellaneous (06/01/04).
Also added a Returning Home gallery. These are the last of our honeymoon galleries.


For the first time ever... now available... a list of pages that were previously concealed from the general public.


Added the following galleries to our Honeymoon Photo Gallery in the France section: Louvre, Pompidou, Eiffel Tower, and Miscellaneous (05/31/04).


Updated the rest of the days of our honeymoon in Germany: 2004/05/26, 2004/05/27, 2004/05/28, 2004/05/29.


Added the following galleries to our Honeymoon Photo Gallery in the France section: Roadside Art, Left Bank Walk, Versailles Exterior, Versailles Interior, Versailles Gardens, Versailles Grand Trianon, Versailles Le Hameau, Versailles Period Costumes, and Notre Dame.


Added the following galleries to our North East 2005 page under the travel section: American Museum of Natural History, Circle Line - Three Hour Manhattan Cruise, Miscellaneous (06/02/05), Upper East Side. Added the following galleries to our Honeymoon Photo Gallery in the Germany section: Monschau, Aachen Rathaus, Aachen Dom, Wind Turbines, Germany Hedges, Miscellaneous (04/05/28).


Added a North East 2005 page under the travel section. The North East 2005 page has links to our planning page and several new galleries: New Haven, Mark Twain's House, York, Miscellaneous New Hampshire, Cooperstown, Little Falls, Little Falls Family, Prestopnik Family Graves , St. John's Cathedral, St. Johnsville, Utica.


Added photos from our 2003 trip to Juneau. Rewrote our gallery & display image php code to add additional functionality. Not all galleries have been converted to the new format yet. Only the Kaiserthermen Gallery in the honeymoon section. Also all galleries in the travel section (Juneau 2003, Chicago 2002, Durango 2005).

Added Functionality
  • Prev & Next links when viewing full sized images from galleries
  • Correct position in menu is now shown when viewing full sized images
  • Parent gallery is bolded in menu when viewing full sized images from that gallery
  • A "Back to the Gallery" link when viewing full sized images from galleries


Added Google Ads to our website. Users can choose not to have advertisements displayed by visiting the updated customization page. More details about the ads can be found on our front page.


Cleaned up the pets section. Added galleries for Nodi, Rubiks, and Faramir. Cleaned up the gallery and added lots more images to Oranges' and Ladybug's page. Added a page of photos from our 2002 trip to Chicago.


Added a top level travel section to the website. This section will mostly contain photo galleries from our trips. Currently, only our most recent ski trip is listed.


Added a "Last modified" date at the bottom of each page.


Added the first half of our time in Germany (Updated 04/05/22. Added 04/05/23, 04/05/24, & 04/05/25)


Added the photo galleries for 04/05/25 (Luxembourg, Luxembourg Casemates, Luxembourg American Military Cemetary), 04/05/26 (Reichsburg, Burg Eltz, Kaub, Burg Gutenfels), and 04/05/27 (Marksburg, Stolzenfels).


Changed webhosting from hostsave.com to ixwebhosting.com.


Added documentation for the code that we use on this website.


Added the photo galleries for 04/05/24 (Trier, Trier Churches, Kaiserthermen, Roman Museum, Bernkastel-Kues), and also one on 04/05/22 (Gem�nder Ferienwohnpark).


Removed the politics page from the menu. Added the ability for users to choose from a variety of color schemes. Added the photo galleries for 04/05/23 (Koln, Koblenz).


Added our favicon.ico. This image -> should now appear in the title bar of your web browser, address bar of your browser, or next to our name in your bookmarks. Different browsers implement it differently. Added a page of partisan propaganda.


Redesigned the professional wedding photos page. If you preferred the version with just links (no pictures), you can still get to it at prestopnik.com/wedding/photos2.php.


Added a gallery of miscellaneous photos to 04/05/18. Added a gallery of miscellaneous photos to 04/05/20. Added a gallery of miscellaneous photos to 04/05/22. Added a Leiden Gallery to 04/05/19. Added a Singel Apartment Gallery to 04/05/17. Added an index of all of the honeymoon photo galleries.


Added camera icons to all photo galleries in the menu. Added Oude Kerk Photo Gallery. Added Dam Square Photo Gallery. Attached both to the 04/05/18 in the menu. Added a panaromic photo to the Keukenhof gallery.


Put the professionally taken wedding photographs online and added a link for it on the wedding front page.

Put details and pictures online for all days in Amsterdam (04/05/17, 04/05/18, 04/05/19, 04/05/20, 04/05/21, 04/05/22). And created a calendar for browsing the honeymoon pages chronologically.


Updated wedding front page.


Updated honeymoon front page.

Cleaned up PHP code to generate menus. Works now for all levels in the tree.


Updated guest info page.


Added information about wedding flowers and reception entertainment.


Engagement Portrait Photo Shoot now online.


Initial launch of website.

Last modified: August 30 2018 23:31