May 17 - 22, 2004: Amsterdam

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May 18 - 22
Avg. High64 F
Avg. Low46 F
Mean Temperature55 F
Avg. Precip.2.4 inches/month
Avg. Sunrise5:40 am
Avg. Sunset9:35 pm

 Itinerary Summary:



 Tourist Attractions:
    Anne Frank's House
    Van Gogh Museum
    Red Light District
    Modern Art Museum
    Flower Festival
    Rijksmuseum has an internationally renowned collection based around the paintings of the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic, the Golden Age, including twenty works by Rembrandt, four by Vermeer and numerous other paintings by artists such as Frans Hals and Jan Steen.
    Bike Rentals
    Some Guys Amsterdam Page
    Amsterdam Holland Travel Page has information on a drive between Brugge & Amsterdam

 Web Sites:
    Amsterdam Channel - various tourist information
    Hotel booking
Last modified: August 30 2018 23:38